best posts on saas growth

Our Most Valuable Startup Growth Posts That You’ve Never Seen

We’ve worked hard to produce great guest content for other sites. Here’s some of the best.

Since 2013, we’ve published a post on this blog every single week.

That’s a lot of content.

And we work hard to make sure that the posts we write are interesting, valuable and useful to you.

But this isn’t the only place where I’ve published posts. I’ve made no secret of how much value we’ve gotten from guest posting elsewhere. It’s helped us connect with entirely new audiences, drive significant traffic and get thousands of new subscribers (and hundreds of Groove users).

We work just as hard on the content that gets posted elsewhere, and today, I wanted to share some of my favorite guest posts with you, in hopes that you find them valuable to your business.

Our Top Ten Most Valuable Guest Posts

1) How One SaaS Startup Reduced Churn 71% Using “Red Flag” Metrics

An analytics-focused post about what happened when we set out to determine which metrics could help us predict churn before it happened. The surprising result helped us increase retention in a big way.

Read How One SaaS Startup Reduced Churn 71% Using “Red Flag” Metrics

2) Getting Crunched, Mashed Or Beaten Is Not A Launch Strategy

So many startups think that getting covered in the tech press on launch day will be their golden ticket. This is my attempt to explain why that’s a very, very bad idea, and what you might do instead. My very first guest post.

Read Getting Crunched, Mashed Or Beaten Is Not A Launch Strategy

3) 4 Common Blogging Mistakes That Prevent You From Growing Your Business

We’ve learned a lot about blogging over the years, a lot of it through making mistakes. Here are the four biggest, most costly mistakes we made early on (and how you can avoid them).

Read 4 Common Blogging Mistakes That Prevent You From Growing Your Business

4) The 8 Types of Images That Increase the Psychological Impact of Your Content

The importance of using images in blogging goes far beyond “looking nice.” It’s actually deeply psychological. In this post, I look at some of the science behind it, and share some different ways to punch up your posts with images.

Read The 8 Types of Images That Increase the Psychological Impact of Your Content

5) The Power of Storytelling: How We Got 300% More People To Read Our Content

We ran an A/B test on a blog post in which one got nearly 300% more full-page reads. The only difference? A simple story. This post shares the details and how you can apply the lesson to your own content.

Read The Power of Storytelling: How We Got 300% More People To Read Our Content

6) How and Why To Write Persuasive, Research-Backed Content

In another A/B test, we tried two blog post headlines, one with a specific number, and one without. The results were pretty surprising, and digging deeper taught us quite a bit about how making content more effective.

Read How and Why To Write Persuasive, Research-Backed Content

7) What 9 Successful Entrepreneurs Wish They Had Done Differently

We all have regrets. As it turns out, many of the entrepreneurs who hit it big do, too. This post was my attempt at shining a light on those regrets so that we can all learn from them (and not repeat their mistakes).

Read What 9 Successful Entrepreneurs Wish They Had Done Differently

8) Hustling 101: These 5 Entrepreneurs Negotiated Big Value for Small Money

One of the biggest obstacles in growing a startup is having limited resources. For the scrappiest entrepreneurs, though, that won’t hold them back. Here, five heavy hitters share how they were able to hustle their way to getting more than they could afford.

Read Hustling 101: These 5 Entrepreneurs Negotiated Big Value for Small Money

9) Your Best Employees WILL Leave You. Here’s What To Do About It.

When you’re a small business, an employee leaving can be a painful hit. Unfortunately, it’s a simple fact of doing business. In this post, I share how to deal with this reality.

Read Your Best Employees WILL Leave You. Here’s What To Do About It.

10) 7 Skills Every Non-Technical Founder Needs

Starting a software company without any coding skills certainly kept a lot of people from believing in me. If you’re in the same boat, you’ll find it useful to work on these seven essential skills.

Read 7 Skills Every Non-Technical Founder Needs

Thanks For Reading

While we do a lot of guest posting, I can’t tell you how grateful I am to those of you who come to this blog and read our posts every single week.

That’s why I wanted to share some of the best content that’s never actually appeared here.

I hope that these posts are useful to you, whether you’re just starting your business or trying to grow.

Grow Blog
Alex Turnbull

Alex is the CEO & Founder of Groove. He loves to help other entrepreneurs build startups by sharing his own experiences from the trenches.

Read all of Alex's articles

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