business tips 2016

Our Best Business Tips of 2016

This has been a huge year of growth and milestones for Groove. Here are the most popular lessons we’ve shared.

In 2016, more than three million people visited this blog.

Many of them read our posts, joined in on discussions in the comments, and shared our content with their networks all over the web.

As we share our journey, we try to make every single post interesting, valuable and actionable for anyone who reads it. And we’ve published every single week since we launched this blog.

But as you can expect, some posts don’t do that well. Many will get an “average” level of traffic. And some will hit all the right chords and be interesting and useful enough that they rise well above the rest of our content in traffic, engagement and shares.

Those posts are below.

If you haven’t been following along all year, I hope that this post serves as a helpful starting point to grasp some of the most important things we’ve learned in 2016.

1) The Story We Haven’t Shared: How Our Startup Almost Died

It was every startups’ worst nightmare…

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2) 4 Horrible Content Marketing Mistakes That Have Cost Us Millions

We’ve learned a lot from our fails. These four taught us some of our hardest lessons.

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3) We Hired a Business Coach, and Here’s What Happened

Our team spent 3 days with an executive coach working on Groove. Here’s how it went.

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4) How Our Product Update Emails Get a 68% Response Rate

Customer emails about product updates are often an afterthought. Here’s why they shouldn’t be.

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5) How Regular One-on-One Meetings Saved Our Company Culture

One-on-one meetings take a lot of time, and the investment increases as you grow. Here’s why it’s worth it.

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6) Expensive Things That Are Worth Investing In For Startups

We’re always trying to save money, but sometimes that can hurt more than help. Here’s why.

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7) The Deadly Mistake That Kills Too Many Startups

Growing a business is hard. Dealing with this makes it even harder.

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8) Why We’re Finally Committing 100% To Being A Remote Team

While we’ve been a remote team for a while, I’ve been plagued by doubts. Here’s why we went all in.

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9) 17 Email Scripts That Have Helped Us Grow Our Business (For You to Steal)

These email templates have made an impact on our bottom line, and now they’re yours.

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10) Too Many Startups Like Playing Startup

7 signs that you’re focused on stuff that doesn’t matter, and how to snap out of it.

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What were your favorite posts of the year?

As we enter the holiday lull, many will have a bit more time than usual for reading, learning and catching up on what they’ve missed while in the trenches.

I’d love to know: what have been your favorite posts of 2016? Not just here, but from anywhere around the web.

Share your favorites in the comments below.

Grow Blog
Alex Turnbull

Alex is the CEO & Founder of Groove. He loves to help other entrepreneurs build startups by sharing his own experiences from the trenches.

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