
14 Best BigCommerce Customer Support Apps

BigCommerce is one of the most reputable ecommerce platforms that lets business owners set up an online store so they can easily sell their products. 

But you already know that.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably an existing BigCommerce customer looking to improve customer support, or a prospective BigCommerce customer that’s evaluating whether BigCommerce will be able to support your customer service needs.

BigCommerce not only offers integrations with the tools you already use, but it also has a number of customer support apps in its Ecommerce Apps Marketplace. Which ones are worthwhile? In this article, we’ve compiled the 14 best BigCommerce customer support apps to look into.  

For each app, we’re providing details on features, pricing, and customer ratings. If you want to jump to a particular app, simply click on one of the names below:

  1. Tidio Live Chat & Chatbots
  2. Answerbase
  3. Zendesk Connector by agnoStack
  4. OSI Affiliate Software
  5. LiveChat + Customer Insight
  6. Gorgias
  7. eDesk
  8. Callexa Feedback
  9. Click to Call Button
  10. SupportBee
  11. LiveHelpNow
  12. FAQ by POWR
  13. ActiveCampaign
  14. Casengo

1. Tidio Live Chat & Chatbots

If you want to add live chat and chatbots to your website, the Tidio Live Chat & Chatbots app might be the perfect addition. It’s built for small and medium-sized online stores and includes mobile apps for both Android and iOS. 

Not only is Tidio extremely fast to install, but you can also connect it with your email client or Messenger account. Best part? It’s free!

Key Features

  • Live chat – Tidio makes it easy to offer support via live chat to customers.
  • Chatbots – Using Tidio, you can create a number of chatbots to automate various messages to your customers when you can’t chat with them yourself.
  • Full support for mobile – Not only does Tidio offer mobile apps, but it’s also compatible with mobile browsers, which means your customers will be able to chat with you, no matter the device they’re on. 


Tidio Live Chat & Chatbots is free.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

Tidio currently scores a 3.5 out of 5 stars on BigCommerce’s App Marketplace. Many users say that it’s easy to install and easy to use, while others complain of bugs and issues uninstalling. 

Despite these potential issues, we think Tidio provides great value for small businesses wanting to try out live chat. After all, it’s a free way for small businesses on a budget to offer better customer support.


Answerbase integrates Q&A sections into your product pages so that customers can ask questions and see the most popular questions and answers from others. 

Not only that, but Answerbase will answer questions automatically, presenting information to prospective customers when it can find them in your product details or specs. 

According to Answerbase, up to 80% of questions can be answered automatically, which helps prime customers to make a purchase. 

Key Features

  • Custom Q&As for products – Engage customers with pertinent info before they send you an email.
  • Automatic question answering – Whether on your own site or via a search engine, Answerbase addresses related questions automatically.  
  • Community-wide Q&A forum – You can expand your product page Q&A into support a community Q&A forum, enabling powerful customer engagement and growing a rich and engaging customer support knowledge base. This can act as an engaging helpdesk for your site, as it combines all of your products frequently asked questions along with community forum engagement.


Answerbase offers a 30-day free trial. Then users pay $19 per month with no upfront fee.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

Answerbase receives a 5 out of 5-star rating on BigCommerce’s App Marketplace. Customers say that using Answerbase eliminates the need for expensive chatbots and that it also has a positive impact on SEO. Customers also say that Answerbase provides “phenomenal customer service.”

Zendesk Connector by agnoStack

If you use Zendesk to offer customer support, then it’s worth looking at the Zendesk Connector by agnoStack. 

Although this app is created by a third party (as opposed to BigCommerce or Zendesk), it offers a seamless connection that lets you access BigCommerce data from within Zendesk. 

For example, you can access customer order history, search and lookup orders, and sort and filter orders all from Zendesk.

Key Features

●      Customer order history – See prior orders from a single customer at a glance. 

●      Customer search/Order look – Comprehensive search and filtering let your agents find what they need, fast, no matter if they search by order number or email.

●      Refunds processing – Initiate refunds and returns, all within Zendesk.

●      Advanced macros – Save time by automating common, repetitive customer replies.

●      Rapid Follow-up – Agents can quickly return to tickets to update details by pinning them.


Zendesk Connector starts at $5 per month per user.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

Users have yet to review Zendesk Connector on the BigCommerce Apps Marketplace, but we still think it’s a viable option for those using Zendesk and BigCommerce. The app has a number of robust features that allow small businesses to get the most out of both solutions.

OSI Affiliate Software

Have you considered adding an affiliate program? OSI’s app lets you increase traffic and sales with its user-friendly interface. 

Once you have affiliates onboard, OSI Affiliate Software will help you provide them with everything they need to promote your store on their social media networks. 

Key Features

●      Social media integration – Promote product and services to your followers without leaving the OSI dashboard.  

●      User-friendly sign-up – Build a custom page and get new customers onboard in style.   

●      Setup wizard – Roll out the software with ease using the simple Getting Started wizard.

●      Easy enroll – Get customers to sign up for your referral program easily using unique registration links. All they need to do is select a password to get started!


OSI Affiliate Software offers a free 15-day trial, then is $47.95 per month with no upfront fee after the trial expires.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

Although there’s only one review of the OSI Affiliate Software app in the BigCommerce Apps Marketplace, it’s a 5-star rating. The reviewer highlights the simple, fast setup and helpful support team as benefits.

LiveChat + Customer Insight

The moment a customer gets to your site is the first step in what could be a long, amazing journey. So, you should get things off on the right foot using LiveChat

This app lets you make sure future and returning customers have the support they need to not only complete their transaction but also establish a lasting relationship.

From the get-go, you’ll be able to see what customers have in their cart, suggest add-ons and upgrades to what they’re buying, and keep tabs on their order. 

Key Features

●      Cart content preview – See what your customer has put into their cart immediately, so you can be ready to answer questions pertaining to their order.

●      Product recommendations – It’s easy to make relevant, visually attractive product recommendations and suggestions using preview links in chat.

●      Order management – You can see the order history of each client to solve their issues fast.

●      Chat invitations – Start the conversation proactively with shoppers and drive sales while they’re engaged.

●      Built-in help desk – Track and store interactions with a ticketing system, so it’s simple for agents to follow up and continue discussions. 


Try LiveChat + Customer Insight free for 14 days. The monthly recurring fee starts at $16 per month.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

On the BigCommerce App Store, LiveChat + Customer Insight rates highly with 4.5 out of 5 stars. 21 reviews tout the app’s usefulness to customers, increase in sales due to its features, and overall ease of use. We think that LiveChat’s treasure trove of features makes it a worthwhile addition to your workflow.


Need a system that’ll help you chew through all those pesky requests? Gorgias delivers an intriguing suite of features that’ll make it a cinch. 

Whether they’re interacting with your team on social media or reaching out on email, Gorgias will let your team automate common interactions and keep the ball rolling on orders.

With custom macro support and intent detection, Gorgias could let you cut out the busywork and focus on going above and beyond for customers.

Key Features

●      Ticketing system – Track and keep interactions with customers in one central place. Gorgias threads social media, support emails, and more together in a convenient dashboard interface.

●      Social media posts and ads – Respond to comments and questions from Facebook and Instagram to keep customers informed and engaged. 

●      Macros – Save time by automating responses to the most common and repetitive asks from shoppers. Write once, use as many times as you need!

●      Auto responder – With macros and rules, it’s simple to craft automatic, personalized replies to questions from customers.

●      Intent and sentiment detection – Using machine learning technology, Gorgias can detect customer intent and sentiment.


Try Gorgias free for 7 days, with no upfront fee. After the trial expires, Gorgias costs $50 per month.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

Only three users reviewed Gorgias on the BigCommerce App, but the top review was 5 stars, and praised its automations as a boon to their business. This reviewer recommended Gorgias if “you are receiving a large amount of emails per day…it helped streamline our incoming communications.” 


Thanks to the power of the web, it’s never been easier for your customers to interact with you, no matter where they are or what language they speak. 

With eDesk, you’ll be ready to service anyone from anywhere, with its auto-translate functionality as a stand-out feature.

More than that, eDesk lets you dig deep into stats and glean insights from your customer interactions from sales to shipping and beyond.

Key Features

●      Sales channel integration – Put product orders, delivery info, and previous communications with customers in one place.

●      Surface useful insights – Obsessed with stats? eDesk analyzes customer support trends, so you’ll have the info you need to improve and grow.

●      Auto-translate – Get global customers what they need without needing multilingual staff using auto translate. Unlock new markets by meeting global users where they are, and in their native language. 


eDesk is free to try for the first 14 days, with no upfront fee. The recurring cost is $65 per month.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

Although eDesk only has one rating on the BigCommerce App Marketplace, elsewhere online it earns high marks from users and reviewers. On GetApp, it has a 4.5 out of 5 rating and is praised for its interface, good value, and multi-lingual support. We think its features make eDesk a unique tool for businesses, and that anyone considering new support tools should give it a try.

Callexa Feedback

Want more feedback? Callexa might be what you’re looking for.

Get customer opinions after they get their order, track Net Promoter Score (NPS), and see your stats at a glance on one simple dashboard.

All of this power can be yours for the low, low price of free.

Key Features

●      Effortless customer surveys – Automatically survey customers after their order has shipped with a simple-to-setup survey.

●      All ratings in one dashboard – Get the insights you need at a glance. See all the most recent Net Promoter Score, survey stats, comments, and replies on one page. 

●      Proven statistics – Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a reliable metric used across industries and now your business can use it, too.


Callexa Feedback is free to use.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

Out of two reviews on the BigCommerce App Store, Callexa has a high rating of five stars. Reviewers say it’s a “great way to automatically solicit customer feedback,” as well as “[an] easy to use and cost effective solution” that gives businesses useful insights. Given that it’s a free app, we think that it’s a worthwhile option to anyone looking to glean more information from their interactions with customers.

Click To Call Button

Sometimes, customers just want to call someone! You know, on the phone. So, do them a favor using Click To Call

This elegant widget lets people call your support team with one tap of their finger on any mobile phone.

Simple doesn’t need to be bad, either. Custom colors and triggers let the widget blend in to your site, and pop up at the moment when users might be looking for help.

Key Features

●      Handy calling from your site – On mobile, users will be able to call one of your agents directly, while on PC they can get contact information in a clean, attractive pop-up widget.  

●      Vary the displaying parameters – Choose the dates, times, and other factors that will trigger the widget to display on your storefront.

●      Widget triggers to stimulate calls – From scroll position to time spent on page, prompt phone calls from customers in a number of ways using Click to Call.

●      Customize the colors – Perfectly match your brand or site theme by customizing the widget’s colors.  


Click to Call is free, but there are paid tiers for more demanding users.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

Although it has no reviews on the BigCommerce site, Elfsight’s website features plenty of praise for this simple, useful integration. If you need a widget that encourages customer interaction and looks good doing it, Click to Call seems like a great option.  


Help desk support can be hard work, and SupportBee aims to make it way more manageable.

No matter how many email addresses your team monitors, this add-on is a great way to keep tabs on what’s answered, what’s unanswered, and what’s all done. 

While there are more comprehensive help desk suites available, SupportBee is simple and straightforward.

Key Features

●      Handle multiple email addresses – SupportBee can keep its watchful eye on all of your email accounts, whether they’re dedicated support, billing, or customer service.

●      Insightful reports – Whether it’s reply count or response time, SupportBee generates reports that can give you all the latest stats.

●      Simple ticketing – Tickets have three status states—unanswered, answered, and archived—so you’ll spend less time managing tickets and more time with customers.   


You can try SupportBee for free for the first 14 days, and after that it’s $15 per month per user for startups, and $20 per month per user for the enterprise version.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

SupportBee has no user reviews on BigCommerce but has high marks on GetApp. Users rated it 4.4 out of 5, noting the ease of setup, customization, customer service, and useful help desk functionality. We think that if you need a simple yet powerful help desk add-on for your business, then SupportBee might fit your needs. 


Everyone knows that millennials hate talking on the phone. So, text them, with the help of LiveHelpNow!

With its searchable FAQ database, customizable help bot, and, yes, SMS text message support, LiveHelpNow will let customers get what they need on their terms.

Key Features

●      Chat with SMS support – Whether your customers prefer chatting online or via text, LiveHelpNow helps you reach them. 

●      Searchable knowledgebase – Frequently asked questions live on their own support page but also integrate into the chat, ticketing, and help bot systems, too.

●      Live help bot – Answer simple queries and collect valuable customer data without a customer support agent.    


Anyone can try LiveHelpNow for 30 days for free. After that, it costs $21 per month. There’s no upfront fee.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

In its single review on the BigCommerce store, LiveHelpNow has a 5 out of 5 rating, calling it “Impressive!” The review notes the app’s power and calls it a “top notch chat app.” Especially if your customers prefer text messages, we think that LiveHelpNow looks like a winner. 


Building an FAQ page can take a lot of effort. Thankfully, FAQ by POWR makes building an accordion FAQ for your site quick and easy as pie, no code required.

Basic features let you match the theme to your brand, while advanced features enable upvoting answers and a quick search bar. 

While you don’t get everything for the low price of $0, there’s a lot to like even at the free tier.

Key Features

●      Easy installation – Add an FAQ to any page on your existing site using the auto-installer or drag and drop to anywhere on the page using the Page Builder feature.

●      Customizable design – Embed video, images, and links into answer pages. Colors are also customizable so it’s easy to match the FAQ to your branding or existing website. 

●      Advanced options – Upgrades make it possible to add features to pages like up/downvote buttons, a search bar, and more.    


FAQ by POWR is free, with some advanced features available from the paid tiers starting at $4.49 per month.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

Six reviews on the BigCommerce store give FAQ by POWR an average score of 4.5 out of 5. Reviewers call it “easy to navigate,” and a “simple solution.” If your services or products require an FAQ page, this tool is a fast way to build out a useful knowledgebase for customers and support staff alike. 


Want to turbocharge your BigCommerce customer data? Add ActiveCampaign and see what it can do for you. 

If you’re into in-depth automations, this is the tool for you. Use a lot of other platforms? Check out the amazing integrations with over 300 different services.

From email marketing to social and beyond, ActiveCampaign has so many tools to help you attract and keep customers, and we think it’s worth a try.

Key Features

●      Seamless data connection- Make a direct link between ActiveCampaign and your existing BigCommerce customer data.

●      Power automations – Schedule ‘thank you’ emails and win back lapsed customers with using the automation options built in.  

●      300+ available integrations – Leverage connections with Square, Facebook, Eventbrite, WordPress, Salesforce, and others to grow your business across the platforms you regularly use.    


ActiveCampaign offers a 14-day free trial. Users are then charged a recurring fee of $9 per month. There is no upfront fee.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

Out of 24 reviews, ActiveCampaign has a 3.5 out of 5 rating. On the BigCommerce shop, the top reviews call out the high-quality integrations, excellent price, and impressive features. One review praises the “first rate” pairing with BigCommerce, saying that “Contacts and information pass smoothly from Big Commerce into ActiveCampaign which has become the centerpiece of our CRM.” We think that for the low cost, ActiveCampaign is a great way to improve the customer experience of your online business. 


This great app helps you keep tabs on customer messages from your most-used platforms. Whether you get the most pings via email, live chat, Twitter, or Facebook, Casengo puts all of these tasks into one convenient inbox.

Whether you’re a department of one, or collaborating with multiple teams and brands, you may be able to manage inquiries more effectively thanks to Casengo.

Key Features

●      Centralize your messages – Emails, chat, Facebook Messenger, and more all live in the same place.

●      Manage across teams and brands – Loop colleagues into discussions with a simple @ mention, and switch quickly between different brands or categories.

●      See your progress with reports – Stats like average handle time and first response time help you optimize future interactions and keep customer support running smoothly.


Casengo has a free 14-day trial, and costs $34 per user per month after that. Higher tiers get more features for the extra money.

Customer Ratings & Reviews

Casengo doesn’t have any ratings on the BigCommerce store yet but has a high 4.7 out of 5 rating from GetApp. Reviewers like its simple feature set, reporting functionality, and friendly help team. One user says Casengo “[enabled] the brand [to] divert its traffic from the helpline to social media.”

BigCommerce Customer Service Apps: Choosing What’s Right for You

Whether you want better customer support analytics, SMS text message support, automated question responses, or maybe a more organized way to manage support tickets, these apps can give you and your business superpowers. Some of them will probably be worth any additional monthly fees, as well. If you want to attract new clients, or keep your current customers informed and happy, definitely give a couple of these apps a try! 

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Luca Lyons

Luca transitioned from managing customer inquiries to exploring the broader landscape of service solutions. When not writing, Luca can be found hiking local trails or trying their hand at woodworking.

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