Mobile Updates: The Time Saver Edition

Mobile Updates: The Time Saver Edition

Customers are complicated, but supporting them doesn’t have to be.

We continue to strive to make the Groove mobile experience as fast as possible, and we’re pretty excited about this week’s release. Check out the highlights below!

New Features & Improvements

Redesigned Left Sidebar With New Folders

It should be as easy as possible for you to get to the tickets that you need. We’ve redesigned the left navigation menu on mobile to do just that. Now you will see folders like My Unread, My Drafts, and My Snoozed right at the top when you open the left nav. These folders are smart enough to appear when there are tickets in them and disappear when there are none.

We also have an added bonus for those of you using multiple mailboxes. Rather than deal with a list of mailboxes taking up valuable space, this list is now condensed by default and you can expand as needed to get to a specific box.

Folder Header Improvements

If you’re familiar with the “quick folders” we added about a month ago, you know that at the top of the page it showed the folder filters like “assignee:lesley is:open,” which is not something most people are used to. This has been updated to show words and phrases you can actually understand like “Assigned to Me.”

If you tap on this, you can see the search filters like what was shown before, and you can add more filters or keywords to narrow down the tickets that appear in the list.

New Ticket Links

This functionality has been carried over from the desktop version of Groove. What it does is when you tap an email address that has been included in the ticket body, it opens up the new ticket form in the app, rather than taking you to your default mail client.

Swipe Actions Get Simplified

Remember those nifty swipe actions that we just added? We’ve made a few modifications so they are even easier to use.

Instead of swiping to select the ticket, we’ve taken away the extra selection step and now you can just swipe left or right to take an action based on the context of the ticket.

For example, swiping left on an open ticket will close it, while swiping left on a snoozed ticket will unsnooze it. You can see exactly what the action will be as you’re swiping.

Swiping right allows you to quickly “grab” the ticket by assigning it to yourself, and similarly you can “release” the ticket by swiping right again to assign it to Anyone.

Also, you can use these swipe actions in the search results, as well as the regular ticket lists in your folders.

Image Thumbnails for Ticket Attachments

Previously all ticket attachments were shown as links and you had to actually tap them to see what they were. With this release, images now have thumbnails so you can see what they are and open as needed. Score another win for your thumbs.

Bulk Labels

Let’s hear it for another time saving feature. You can apply labels to tickets in bulk by selecting the tickets you want to label and tapping the label icon in the top right corner of the screen. Then just choose your labels, tap the checkmark, and voila!

Polish & Bug Fixes

Merge Snippets

Merging tickets on mobile is pretty cool, right? You’ll notice there is a new icon in the top right corner of the merge screen — tapping this will expand the merge list to reveal the first comment from each ticket in the list, so you can tell for certain you are merging the correct things.

Highlighted Keywords in Search Results

Searching for something specific? The search results page now highlights the words used in your search query, so it’s much easier to find the ticket(s) you’re looking for and be on your way.

Unread Ticket Design

We’re not just looking out for your thumbs, but your eyes too. We’ve tweaked the unread ticket design to be less harsh on the ol’ eyeballs.

Note Design

Speaking of tweaks, the design of internal notes has been cleaned up to make them more readable, particularly when a note is the first message on a ticket.

Bugs Begone!

Swipe actions:

  • Fixed a bug where going back to the ticket list after taking an action was not respecting the user’s personal preferences
  • Fixed a bug with edge swipes on iOS that were accidentally triggering actions like closing a ticket

Bulk actions:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented bulk assignment of tickets to “Anyone”
  • Fixed a bug where the user was suddenly exited from the bulk action screen if there was a realtime update

As always, your feedback is hugely important to us. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or if you just want to say hi. 🙂

Grow Blog
Forrest Murphy

Forrest is a former customer support guru turned writer who believes that exceptional service starts with clear communication. On weekends, he’s either exploring new tech gadgets or coaching his kids’ soccer team to victory.

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