
100,000+ Reasons To Be Thankful

It’s Thanksgiving in the U.S. tomorrow. No strategies, hacks, or lessons in this post. Just one very important message…

This is part ten in our ongoing series, Journey to $100K a Month. Earlier posts can be found here.

We started writing this blog ten weeks ago as an experiment.

Would people care about our little SaaS startup’s journey to success?

Thankfully, it turned out that many of you care. And I’m grateful that since we published our first post, more than 100,000 unique visitors have come to our blog and shared in the lessons we’ve been learning along the way.

I’m also grateful that you’ve helped us move closer to our $100,000 goal — as of this month, we’ve increased our monthly revenue by more than 10% since we started the blog.

And more than all of that, I’m grateful for the community we’ve all built here. So many of you come back each week and spark lively, fascinating discussions in the comments, and we all learn so much from them. In many ways, those discussions are more helpful to me as a founder than writing the blog itself.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not immune to the “founder ego” that plagues so many small businesses. I’ve written before about how much it hurt Groove early on, and I’ve been working really hard to improve. I find that expressing gratitude is one of the best ways to remind myself that I’m not even remotely the only one responsible for Groove’s success. I recommend that every founder – and every person, really – give gratitude a determined try.

And while gratitude is a year-round pursuit, Thanksgiving is a fantastic reminder to those of us that need it.

So thank you.

Thank you for reading, for sharing, for commenting, for teaching me and the team a lot over these last ten weeks.

I’m grateful.

Grow Blog
Alex Turnbull

Alex is the CEO & Founder of Groove. He loves to help other entrepreneurs build startups by sharing his own experiences from the trenches.

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