Bug Fixes, Onboarding Improvements, and a Failed Upgrade Attempt

Bug Fixes, Onboarding Improvements, and a Failed Upgrade Attempt

Summary:  Even though a third of our team was under four feet of snow, we fixed several annoying bugs and made new user onboarding easier.

We also started to deploy our new infrastructure, though we hit a snag that will push the deployment back a few days.

Where are My Labels?

A minor change that we made last week to simplify widget settings temporarily broke labels in widgets for some customers. Your customers never saw any errors, but we did lose a couple of labels in the process.

The good news is that order has been restored, and everyone’s tickets are being tagged as expected.

Notifications from Private Mailboxes

More than a few customers are starting to move personal email accounts to Groove as well. We’re all for it, but it did expose a bug that caused other team member to receive notifications about personal emails. That issue has been fixed.

No Mailboxes? No Problem.

Our new settings dashboard was meant to make it easier for customers to customize their Groove accounts. However, it was giving new customers some issues with having too many options.

While simpler than before, there are still a lot of options hidden beneath your dashboard. But not many of those make sense until you’ve really started using Groove. So now new users only see what they need to get going and nothing more.

False Start

We ran into a couple of hiccups over the weekend as we worked on upgrading our infrastructure.  In the interest of caution, we’re playing it safe and putting off the deployment for a few days.

It turns out that a last minute change to instance size did not play well with the rest of our setup.  Things that used to take a few minutes, like installing an application from source, suddenly started taking over twenty minutes.

We’re digging in to fix the problem today, and will be deploying our changes tomorrow night.

Grow Blog
Kerri Tielman

Kerri has spent years troubleshooting customer issues and now enjoys sharing practical tips and insights. Outside of work, Kerri is an amateur baker always experimenting with new bread recipes.

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