Better Routing, Account Switching and Easier Integration

Better Routing, Account Switching, and Easier Integration

Accounts broken into groups, such as sales and developers, can now route incoming emails directly to the right type of agent.

Logging into multiple accounts just got a whole lot easier, and we even made some improvements for our developer friends.

Assign to Next Available Agent in Group

We added the ability to automatically assign incoming emails to the next available agent a few months back. It’s a great way for small teams to break up the workload, because emails are assigned to the agent w/ the least number of open tickets. However, it breaks down when companies are broken into groups by responsibility.

As of last Monday, accounts with groups can create rules that assign emails to the next available agent in a specific group. This way emails from new prospects can go to a salesperson while technical questions are routed straight to a developer.

Switching Accounts

A lot of our customers run multiple businesses through Groove, and most choose to run all of their email through a single Groove account. There are a few that prefer, mainly for legal or accounting reasons, to keep their businesses completely separate.

It turns out that these customers would get stuck in a particular account if they didn’t first sign-out before trying to sign-in to another account. They were jumping through all of kinds of hoops just to use Groove including running:

  • Chrome in incognito mode
  • Chrome and Safari side by side
  • two completely separate computers(!?!)

All because of one little cookie!  It was a simple fix, and now customers are seamlessly signed-out before trying to sign-in to a different account.

Easier to Integrate Widget

We also added a couple of new methods to the Javascript API for our Widget to make integrating it even easier.

Developers using the latest version of Rails will be happy to know the Widget now works as expected with turbolinks!  The Widget always worked if you included at the end of your **tag like:

But it would disappear if it was included in the** tag. To make it possible to include the widget in the ** tag we added two new utility methods:

  • GrooveWidget.add
  • GrooveWidget.remove

We’ll be updating our knowledge base later this week, but it only takes a few lines of code to get everything working:

We also added the ability to temporarily remove the Widget from the page if needed. This has been the most requested addition to the widget, and we’d love to hear how you use it.

Grow Blog
Kerri Tielman

Kerri has spent years troubleshooting customer issues and now enjoys sharing practical tips and insights. Outside of work, Kerri is an amateur baker always experimenting with new bread recipes.

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