Submission Status Control, Labeling Improvements, Updated Keyboard Shortcuts, and a UI Spruce-up for Notes

Submission Status Control, Labeling Improvements, Updated Keyboard Shortcuts, and a UI Spruce-up for Notes

Oh my! We’ve spent the last week rolling out little wins left and right to improve your customer experience.

If you’d like to know how we got ourselves on track (and get on track yourself), check out last weeks blog post from our Journey to 100k Blog: Why Bug Reports and Feature Requests Don’t Overwhelm Us Anymore for insights into our fantastic new bug and feature organizational system.

FTW of these tiny wins include status control on your submit button, UI tweaks with labeling and notes, and keyboard shortcuts to make common replies even more convenient.

Submission Status Control: If you’re constantly in a state of follow-up flux with your customers, than this update’s for you! You can now set the default status for your ticket submit button, so you’ll no longer have to manually change your status to submit from closed to pending every. single. time.

Admins can find where to make this change in the Settings Menu, in the left side bar of Mailboxes under Preferences.

Labeling Improvements: Until recently, you might have noticed it take a while before a new label registers in your auto-suggestion menu: sometimes several tickets deep after applying the same label repeatedly, and never without a hard refresh.

We’ve made some ever-so-slight adjustments to your labeling UX to register the new label immediately, saving precious typing time on every label.

UI Spruce-up for Notes: We’ve added some flair to the ticket list view, and you might have noticed notes becoming a bit more obvious. When another team member posts a note to a ticket, the note also appears in yellow in the ticket preview to quickly differentiate between customer updates and agent updates at a glance.

Common Reply Keyboard Shortcuts: We have some new additions to the keyboard shortcut family we added to core-ticketing last week that makes common replies even easier to apply.

Open the Common Reply menu with Command+Shift+i, and navigate through the list with your up/down arrows.

Right Arrow expands a collapsed category and Left Arrow will collapse it again. Pressing Left Arrow within an expanded category will jump back to the category title.

To insert a highlighted reply, simply press Right Arrow, Tab, or Enter within an expanded category.

Bug Squashes: As always, our development team spent some long hours last week squashing bugs, including a pesky and prevalent dancing reply box bug annoying many of our users. They’ve also kept a careful eye to crush any formatting bugs that have arrived with last week’s Rich Text Editor release.

Grow Blog
Amanda Langford

Amanda spent a decade managing chaotic call centers before finding her calling in writing about customer service. When she's not penning articles, she's busy crafting the perfect coffee blend to fuel her next big idea.

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