Founder's Journey · 8 Min read
Seeing some real growth is just the beginning. These are the 3 hurdles you have to overcome when figuring our how to scale your startup
Alex Turnbull CEO & Founder @Groove
Founder's Journey · 9 Min read
As a non-technical founder I've started 3 SaaS companies without writing a line of code. This is how to start a tech company without technical background
Entrepreneurship · 5 Min read
As the new customers rolled in, our promotion was looking to be a home run. Unfortunately, it was costing us dearly.
In this post, we reveal the steps we took to develop a growth strategy for the next 12 months of Groove
Product Updates · 3 Min read
For the last few months, we’ve been working hard to test, redesign and perfect the details in our efforts to make Groove better.
Kerri Tielman Groove Writer
Entrepreneurship · 6 Min read
Learning the reasons why your customers cancel is painful, but it’s unquestionably valuable. These are the cancellation survey questions you should ask
Founder's Journey · 7 Min read
In the early days of your company doing things that don't scale is often the best way to acquire your first customers
Founder's Journey · 10 Min read
There are a few things more important to a founder than doing customer development. Check this post to learn how to do it right
Three days before releasing our survey, we realized that we were totally unprepared. We had to figure out how to get survey responses...
Founder's Journey · 6 Min read
Being data-driven is important, but there's more to growing a business than the numbers. Click to read about what matters most.
Growth · 5 Min read
After finding a surprise in our data, we set out to see if we could get more incoming customer support emails — on purpose.
Founder's Journey · 2 Min read
We learn a lot from every test, win and fail that we go through. Here’s what stood out most in 2014.
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