Product Updates · 3 Min read
We debugged a particular nasty change with Gmail, made our HTML parser even smarter, and squashed a number of annoying edge cases.
Kerri Tielman Groove Writer
Content Marketing · 6 Min read
No business effort is a success unless it makes money. Here’s what this blog means to Groove’s bottom line
Alex Turnbull CEO & Founder @Groove
Product Updates · 2 Min read
We fixed a couple issues that were slowing down working with attachments, strengthened Live Chat, and prepared to launch our beta environment
Accounts broken into groups, such as sales and developers, can now route incoming emails directly to the right type of agent.
Founder's Journey · 7 Min read
Finding a technical co-founder often feels impossible. Here's what Groove's CEO Alex Turnbull did to overcome that obstacle
Entrepreneurship · 6 Min read
If you want your business to succeed, you need to know how to attract the best talent in the world without competing against the big fish
Founder's Journey · 5 Min read
I have many fears as an entrepreneur. Here’s why that’s not a bad thing, and why you shouldn’t be afraid of fear, either
Founder's Journey · 6 Min read
After weeks of gut-wrenching indecision, I turned down a dream offer. Today, I’m sharing the five critical questions that led me to make that call...
Growth · 7 Min read
The onboarding experience can be the difference between life and death for your product. Here's eveything we learned about improving it
We’ve made fixes to the app that address some issues that users were reporting, including updates to the new settings dashboard and folders
Hard-earned lessons from our own experience getting to $100,000 in monthly revenue.
They say the first million is the hardest. In SaaS, it's the first 1,000 users.
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