A collection of 301 posts
8 Min read
Take control of your customer reviews with these 10 inspiring lessons from some of Groove’s top customers.
Amanda Langford Groove Writer
6 Min read
“Customer centric” isn’t a buzzword for Steve & Kate’s Camps. It’s a way of doing business. Here are the five practices they use to earn customers for life.
These 33 legendary customer service quotes contain wisdom to inspire you, spark questions, and help your support team deliver better service.
Luca Lyons Groove Writer
7 Min read
Despite its small size, your email auto reply can be powerful. Learn tips on how to create an automatic reply email template.
4 Min read
Find out how to provide exceptional customer service using our 15-point checklist.
Searching for new customer experience software? Use these five guiding questions to find the right tool. Spoiler alert: You might already be using it.
Kerri Tielman Groove Writer
Every company has bad customer service examples. Here’s how to recover the next time one happens in your business.
Forrest Murphy Groove Writer
15 Min read
A complete guide to finding the right customer support software for your company.
Forrest Murphy September 10, 2024 Groove Writer
Send better, faster customer service emails with these 10 tips. Plus, get a checklist with real examples to guide you.
For one eCommerce tech startup, customer experience strategy is the glue that holds everything else together. Here’s why CX is a cornerstone of its success.
5 Min read
Whether you’re hiring for your first customer service representative or...
9 Min read
10 must-read customer service tips for founders and small business owners who care about customer support.
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